in the press
artist in action
Speaking about “Finding Your Creativity During the Mommy Years” for Mom’s Salon in Belle Meade, Tennessee, 2018.
July, 2018: Such a gift! Amazing artist Michael Obermeyer lets me sit for him and paint me live at Festival of Arts show in Laguna Beach, CA
August, 2018: Painting with SCPAPA artists at Back Bay paint out, Newport Beach, CA.
Aix en Provence, April 2017: Painting Cezanne’s view near his atelier. Bucket list check!
July, 2018: Painting in plein air at Crystal Cove State Beach in front of the Beachcomber restaurant. It was a hot day, but I love the color!
June, 2018: Starting my plein air sketch on Catalina Island, Two Harbors/Isthmus spot. My favorite place on earth.
Painting at Diver’s Cove, Laguna Beach
Painting with Southern California Plein Air Painters Back Bay Paint Out, August 2018.
Plein air set up in North Laguna spot.
Plein Air painting Catalina Cottages, 2022
April, 2018: Painting in Paris flower market.
July, 2018: a selfie while painting on Catalina Island, overlooking the Casino above the Inn on Mount Ada.
Setting up to paint at Fishermans Cove; Laguna Beach, 2017
Next Door Women’s Ministries Auction and Fundraiser, Nashville, TN: Donated “Summer Freedom” for a fabulous cause! 2018
Painting at Little Harbor, Catalina Island in Plein air
EXHIBITIONS and awards
September, 2022: Recipient, 2nd Place Award; “Hamilton Cove View” painting; Catalina Island Art Festival; Avalon, CA
September, 2021: Featured Artist and winner of juried poster contest for “Catalina Overlook”: Catalina Island Art festival; Avalon, CA
December, 2022: “West Nashville Art Crawl.”; Nashville Studio Gallery featured on local Nashville art events.
September 18, 2022: Catalina Island Art Festival: 2nd place Fine Arts award. :Hamilton Cove Overlook”; Avalon, CA
August, 2022 LPAPA: Laguna Beach Plein Air Association Gallery Show “From Dusk to Dawn”; “Long Beach Promenade” juried and featured; Laguna Beach, CA
May, 2022: Oceanside Museum of Art, Alliance Artists: “Renewal” juried show; two pieces selected and displayed, Front Porch Gallery, Oceanside, CA.
May 2020-Present: Catalina Art Association Gallery; Avalon, CA; Ongoing works shown and sold
April, 2022: Catalina Island Museum; “Casino Overlook” prints displayed and sold in Gallery Store:
2021: Featured Local Artist Video: Catalina Island Museum “CIM Sessions”; interviewed by museum curator in live You Tube/Facebook video series for local island history.
January, 2022: Oceanside Museum of Art; Artist Alliance Show, “Beneath the Surface”; 2 paintings juried and for sale: Ashton Gallery; Oceanside, CA
October, 2019- Jan, 2020: Historic Parthenon Museum, Main Gallery, Nashville TN; Artwork featured in two -person show by curator of museum, Susan Shockley. 15 pieces selected.