Artist Statement


As a psychotherapist and lover of beauty, I seek to illuminate the soul with color and light to inspire hope in every viewer. I believe that color and the expression of feelings created through color, is a God given method of healing through the color of nature. When I am painting, I am in a process of looking, feeling, and “flowing” without words.

I believe this flow is a spiritual tool created by God as the Creator of beauty, and that God is also the audience of the painting I am creating. Thus, my work is a conversation with God, myself, and the viewer, much like a prayer.

As I look at color and light in nature, especially coastal water, I am seeking what’s under the surface, and the depth below, often hidden from view. The closer I look, the more I see, the more I see, the brighter I paint. In this way, color and light is interacting with the deeper human spirit - and when the “unseen” is finally “seen” and known, its beauty can be celebrated.

“My work is less about ‘Painting something’ and more about expressing something that is already there”

Kymberlee Stanley