Artist Statement
As a psychotherapist and lover of beauty, I seek to illuminate the soul with color, light to inspire hope in every viewer. I believe that color, and the expression of feelings through color, is a God given method of healing. When I am painting, I am in a process of change, challenge, courage, and “flow”. I believe that this flow is a spiritual tool created by God as the Creator, and also the audience of my creation; thus, my work is a conversation with God, myself, and then with others, much like prayer. As I look at color and light in nature, especially coastal water, I am seeking what’s under the surface, and what is uncommonly seen. The closer I look, the more I see, the more I see, the brighter I paint. In this way, color and light is interacting with the deeper human spirit…and when the unknown is finally seen and known, it can then celebrated.
I believe that everything is beautiful when seen in the right light.